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Windows Updates From Website

It’s a good idea, but just imagine if this update was itself broken, and you had to find a way to roll back the rollback-enabling update? Yep, it would be ironic, but on Microsoft’s current form not all that surprising. KB4512941 Update: High CPU Usage by CortanaThe KB4512941 update to Windows 10 (v1903) was rolled out in September, and was intended to make myriad improvements to the operating system. The main focus of this update is Mixed Reality, which received a number of bugfixes, increased compatibility with Win32 apps, and some improvements to Mixed Reality game stability.But this update has also caused the already contentious Cortana voice assistant to hog a huge amount of CPU when running in the background. Until Microsoft rolls out an official fix, you’ll need to go to the registry to fix this:To do this, open the registry by pressing Win+R then entering regedit.Next, navigate to the following directory in Regedit. HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSearchIn the right-hand pane, you should see a REGDWORD value called “BingSearchEnabled” (if not, right-click anywhere in the pane, select New - DWORD (32-bit) Value and create it).Right-click BingSearchEnabled, and set its Value to 0.Struggling with high CPU usage anyway? Check out our list of KB4505903 Update: Bluetooth Speaker ProblemsMicrosoft has been forcing users to, even though it continues to cause problems.The cumulative update released on July 26 has caused some serious problems for users with internal PC speakers.

Users have reported Bluetooth speakers either not connecting to your PC or emitting poor sound quality. Alternatively, even if you connect a Bluetooth speaker, the sound continues coming through the internal speakers instead.There’s no proper fix for this yet, but there is a workaround.Open a command prompt, then enter the following command. Sfc /scannow FIXED May Update (v1903) Blocked on Old Intel DriversThe May 2019 is a major one for Windows 10, changing Windows Search, updating the Start menu, adding a Light theme, and turning Microsoft Edge into a Chromium-based browser. But many users on certain older devices have had trouble with it, reporting that it won’t install while getting the following message:“ The inbox storage driver iastora.sys doesn’t work on these systems and causes stability problems on Windows.”The incompatible drivers are Intel Rapid Storage Technology drivers –, so the way to solve this is to update your drivers to at least version

To do this, go to Windows 10 Settings, then click “Update & security - Recovery.” Below “Reset this PC” you should see the option to “go back to the previous version of Windows 10.” Click “Get started,” then follow the steps to roll back Windows 10. Again, this option is only available for ten days after a Windows 10 build update. ConclusionFew things on PC are more frustrating than an update – ostensibly to improve performance – borking your system, but unfortunately Microsoft has form in this respect. It’s worth saying that the majority of users go through these updates without issue, but the majority isn’t enough when the consequences for the few can be so severe. Stay tuned here for the latest Windows 10 update issues and leave a comment if you have new update problems to report – help may be at hand.This post was last updated in October 2019. Microsoft is doomed, desperately trying to refloat a sinking ship.

Windows Updates From Website

For me, and many others, it was Chrome that suffered. First, the update didn’t install and I had to wipe my PC weeks of work lost and hastily put together. Second update round went fine, except for Chrome and all Chrome based browsers (Opera, Vivaldi) which cannot resolve any DNS and perpetually hang. Writting from Firefox now, which doesn’t have the extensions I need. Microsoft, go eat a. Whatever your head is made of, that’s bad enough. Is this joke of acompany going to reinburse me for my lost time?

We need more competition in this industry, pronto. Damn that’s sad man.

I been on version 1607 for a long time now. I never want any of these stupid updates but the only reason why i decide to try an update is because sometimes when i rename a file or delete and stuff sometime the UI reloads, this does not usually cause me to lose things i’m working on but it is shitty in that you never know when it will randomly blank out and reloadTaken some updates and I’m still on 1607 but now they telling me they downloading feature update 1803 and i am very much concerned because i’m worrying if this thing might erase my personal files. I don’t have anything to backup my files, if it delete my files i’ll be completely pissed. I have an issue with my network on my computer, i can browse any webpage and visit any site without the issue of my network connectionbut as soon as i log into any video game, my latency spikes and i get kicked withing a matter of minutes. I have had this computer for over a year and have been gaming on it for the same amount of time, it is not my internet provider, they just came out yesterday and everything checked out fine. I am leaning towards something having to do with my computer but i dont know what it is or how to fix it. If anyone else has had this issue please helpi do not want to have to buy a new computer or completely erase everything on my computer if i dont have to.

Windows Updates From Website Chrome

Thank you in advance. I have found the best way to beat this, fornaome its not an option but Im not destroying a 2000$ gaming computer because of Windows. I don’t have it connected to the internet. Anything I need from online I transfer from my older Windows 7 laptop that still runs without error. Microsoft just doesnt want to admit that 10 is useless Virus garbage. They should allow everyone the choice of going back to a stable 7 until ALL bugs and issues are fixed permanently.

I can say without doubt that I will not buy another Microsoft run machine. WHY do users continue putting up with this crap from M$??? People moan and groan and keep cursing Microsoft but keep on using their applications. If all those dissatisfied users bit the bullet and switched to OS/X, Linux or BSD, it would hit MS in the only place they care about and that is their bottom line. As long there in significant decrease in MS’s revenue stream, they will continue to put out crap.For those who lament that “We need MS products”, you may need then for a little while but if enough users leave MS, other software writers will recognize the potential market and create software for it.Windows users unite, you have nothing to lose but your crappy O/S updates. People stick with Windows even though they complain because it runs the applications they use.

Installing Linux scares many and those who tried it probably either got frustrated with the installation and setup, or they discovered they couldn’t find suitable replacement apps for the ones they ran on Windows. Its why I always read Linux lovers brag about the OS but hardly ever on the apps. In reality the apps define what OS you run, and people care less about the OS just as long as those apps work. Horse feathers!The vast majority of “problems” that Windows users have with Linux, are nothing more than straw men, set up by Steve Ballmer and perpetuated ever since. The main problem, as far as Windows users see it, is that Linux does not look, feel or act like Windows.

Why should it?! It is an entirely different O/S from Windows, just like OS/X.Bottom line is that since Make Tech Easier started publishing, I haven’t seen an article about “how to fix the latest Linux update problems”. But after every Windows update, there is an article on “how to fix latest Windows update problems”. There are endless issues and there always has been going back to DOS. 1903 borked my DVD drive. The BIOS and the OS still see it but won’t read from a disc so somehow it’s affecting the BIOS. This is a ten year old rig and 1903 was still able to bork it.

No lights on my keyboard, it shows only a blur before it loads my wallpaper so it’s corrupting my video card driver in some fashion. I’ve a thousand backups so I’m now using 1809. If you don’t want the thing nagging you to update just boot it up with a non bootable USB drive in it somewhere.in my case it just stops it from doing anything to do with 1903. You will have to update 1809 manually but it’s better than 1903. So Windows to Microsoft is a legacy OS, they will slowly replace it with something much lighter as they refer to as Modern OS.

I suspect that will be like a Chrome OS device where Microsoft specifies certain hardware and specs so updates just work. The problem with Windows today is too many configurations to properly test updates and upgrades. It was easier to work through these issues when you did not get a upgrade every six months.

I think for many consumers Windows is overkill anyway, many just use a web browser and a handful of applications at the most. Some of these are even web accessible now from any browser.

Chrome OS isn’t fast because of Linux, its fast because all it runs is a web browser. That’s probably a bit too simplistic for Chrome OS today because Android apps, and Linux terminal now are added. But even that doesn’t make Chrome OS a heavy OS like Windows. Besides it has predictable spec’d hardware so updates work flawlessly. We can only hope Microsoft follows a similar path because it will make devices more stable. “People stick with Windows even though they complain because it runs the applications they use”That is a red herring which Window Fans drag out to justify their use of MS products.

As you say “many just use a web browser and a handful of applications at the most”. For that they can use any O/S, Chrome, Linux, Android, IOS, etc, etc, etc.“Installing Linux scares many”I’ll grant you that many are scared of the word “Linux” thanks to the FUD spread by tech writers, pundits and “experts” that to use Linux, the user must be fluent in command line. I wonder how many users have actually done a bare metal install of Windows? Talk about scary!

Bare metal installation of any of the 20 most popular Linux distros is much simpler than a bare metal installation of Windows. For one, when installing Linux there are no repeated re-boots.“those who tried it probably either got frustrated with the installation and setup,”Are you perhaps generalizing based on your experience?“they will slowly replace it with something much lighter as they refer to as Modern OS. I suspect that will be like a Chrome OS device”That sounds very much like another Microsoft to regain their PC monopoly.MS will probably go SaaS for all their products. No more sales, only rental (subscription). Which still will not guarantee that the quality of the updates/upgrades will improve. As long as people keep using their software in large numbers, MS will see no reason to change their SOP.“The problem with Windows today is too many configurations to properly test updates and upgrades.”Linux has the same problem with too many configurations. Linux also has hundreds of versions making for many more permutations than Windows has to deal with.

And yet Linux does not have the same history of crappy updates and upgrades as Microsoft.“It was easier to work through these issues when you did not get a upgrade every six months.”You did not get an upgrade every six months but you had upgrade Tuesdays.“Rolling” distros release updates/upgrades whenever they become ready, sometimes 3-4 times a week.“We can only hope Microsoft follows a similar path because it will make devices more stable.”It is not the devices that need to be more stable, it is the software updates/upgrades that need to be more stable. How come the devices that are unstable running MS products, are quite stable running Linux or BSD?. I am on Windows 10 and back in early April 2019, I went to open a folder on my Gmail and found all documents that I had saved were gone!

I then opened up some more and the same thing. What happened to all my messages, pictures, etc that I had in my olders! I have documents that can never be replaced gone and so much more. I never had any of these problems with Windows 7 or 8. In fact, I never had any problems with those versions. My daughter is a teacher and she still has V7.0 and will not change.I don’t blame her.

I doubt whether I’ll ever see these again. The interesting thing is that what I have been putting in my folders since there, has remained. Too bad Microsoft can’t be sued for all of the problems that they have created.

Just straight junk the May 2019, and it’s a damn lie that you can roll back to a previous version. It’s an option and says it can’t do it after 5 minutes of waiting. I reformatted my computer 10 times in 3 days, and even though I told the system to wait 364 (Pro Version) days before doing the May 2019 Service Pack.

It would do the upgrade no matter what I told it. Lesson learned with the c.ap that Microsoft takes over your computer and will leave without a stable computer and sans your data and software. I am paranoid of Microsoft, so I backup religiously with Novabackup 19.3, Acronis True Image 2019, Norton Backup and IDrive, both to the cloud and my local drives. I will never take Microsoft as face value, as they are out to screw you as bad as possible, “Their motto is the Customer is always wrong, we know what is best your computer.” Thank gosh I found a German company that helped through Dantes Inferno (May’s update), I use OOSU10 and lock down my privacy and anything that MS would like to do to my computer without my permission. I have a copy of Dell’s Windows 7 Ultimate and will downgrade as soon as I can get it to work with NVME drivers. Yesterday, I was a happy camper watching YouTube on my sell laptop, overnight windows updated itself. At times, here are the issues:1.

I can’t login even though the password is correct, it takes a few tries.2. Once logged in, files explorer is gone – cannot launch it even manually, it just does not exist – many other tools are gone – network settings are gone – message pops that bad token is referenced.First error is – “desktop not accessible. Access is denied3. ALL THE PREVIOUS SYSTEM RESTORES ARE GONE – IT HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE WITH FIRST WINDOWS 10 ON THE SAME MACHINE BACK THEN I LOST EVERYTHING AS WELL (HAD BACKUPS THANKFULLY)I can launch msconfig, but from the nothing works, “run” only launches msconfig and I can access the task mgr. Windows buttons don’t work, icons don’t work, network is gone, sound is gone,BASICALLY NOTHING WORKSBRILLIANT MICROSOFT!!!Who is going to undo the carnage caused by MS stupidity!?!??!?I am just venting, because I know that no one will give a shit about it.But for those who have not done the latest update,- DONT. Im still having problems too since the update so frustrating. If i can get through from the constant blackscreening, all my videos glitch up.

When that happens task manager says something is using all the ram. But wont tell me what is using the ram its bloody windows!!

Windows Updates From Website

I usually wait a couple months before updating because of this constant unreliable hell but it still happens right now its been an hour and all i get is a blackscreen. Again and again.

This is the worst update glitching ive ever had. Thursday morning our office computer crashed losing ALL of our records. We run a program that uses Windows 10 so we were committed.It took a team from Montreal to work through the night to try and recover our corrupted files.

They managed to get something from August 3rd. After more waiting, our local tech person extracted a mimicking file and not as corrupt and after running more tools to fix the file, they managed to get the latest save.This has cost the business thousands of dollars. Anyone else out there have a similar experience?. Just bought a brand new Lenovo laptop.

Used it for 5 days then W10 forced me to do their major update – told me they had 22gigs of the old Windows stored for me in case things went bad.Things did go bad. NOTHING WORKS!Cannot use Search to find anything. Cannot use the internet, neither firefox nor Edge. Connection is fine but programs won’t work.System Restore did not help, made it worse. Went back still screwedCan’t open Lenovo help.Can’t open anything, it’s just completely broken and crippled.I HATE WINDOWS!Was planning to try Linux but wanted to get up and running on Windows first.Now can’t even get to the part of Windows to make a partition for Linux.This is effing CRAZY! Windows Update didn’t just screw up some aspects of my computer, it screwed up EVERYTHING!. Michelle Onofrey I did not get the BSOD but (you can read above) the latest W10 update (feature update?) complete broke my brand new Lenovo Think Pad; that is it broke the W10 OS so I cannot use the computer AT ALL.

The search doesn’t work, updates don’t work, internet doesn’t work, NOTHING works at all. Even if W10 issues a fix I don’t think I could load it unless I could do so via USBWindows sucks so bad I am planning to install Linux today on a partition and if it’s half as good as everyone says it is, it’s GOODBYE WINDOWS forever, and I can only say that I HOPE WINDOWS GOES COMPLETELY OUT OF BUSINESS and Bill Gates loses all his money and ends up in poverty, or better yet, prison, for selling everyone this completely worthless and non-working Windows 10 system. I’m sad that I see some of the people here having massive issues. For me my PC updated with no problem, just that it freezes alot and I have to reset my PC without the “restart” option which will screw my PC over badly because I used to have bluescreens and graphical issues with my system whenever it’d accidentally do 1 crash or if I had to force-restart it.I’m so sorry to people who lost everything.:(I shall put some important things onto my google drive as my USB’s are a little filled. I can’t risk losing all my drawings.:((.

Too many eager beavers who gladly install feature upgrades or even security updates blindly without taking pause to see what bugs are created and will they affect your hardware. Users should take advantage of the Windows update pauses and allow for these bug to show up and be patched. Honestly what set Windows 7 apart from Windows 10 was far more control over updates and Windows version upgrades. As well as the fact those upgrades came much less frequently and were vetted properly before release. Honestly you place any OS on such a fast pace of upgrades as Microsoft has and throw in millions of devices and hardware configurations and its a recipe for disaster. Clearly Microsoft Windows team gave themselves and their Insider’s too much credit on vetting these upgrades.

Did the latest Sep 2019 update. It took 7 hours!!!! Now it keeps saying Restart to Update – three times I have had to do this. I assume that some updates didn’t install properly. This is a nightmare. Now I find that the ‘features’ I need don’t work. The browsers (Foxfire & Chrone) keep losng tabs.

I then find them orphaned in separate windows. I used to be able to drag and drop them back to the main window – but drag and drop no longer works with the browser windows and tabs. In File Explorer I used to be able to drag and drop files to such as Adobe Photo Shop, WeTransfer and other services.

But drag and drop for files no longer works. I can’t resize windows by dragging the margins in or out – its either full screen or half screen. The ‘-‘ drops the window to the task bar. The ‘+’ doesn’t resize to full screen (with tabs showing). The overlapping square icon (to customise resize midway) no longer works. Periodically the browser tabs disappear.

And als the task bar at the botton. I have no way of getting them to reappear. Linux desktop is a second class OS always has been always will.

The reasons are far too many but as Linus Torvalds said in 2018. The fragmentation is slowing progress and hampering development of graphic drivers and third parties to support so many different systems. He’s belief is Chrome OS will be the future not Linux desktop and the internal strife inside of Linux is to blame. I tend to agree with Linus that his vision was never about having so many distributions of desktop Linux. It also complicates selling Linux to a Windows user who see’s this messy ecosystem as too confusing and even when they try it they typically must have just the right hardware or risk spending hours of fiddling and posting for help in forums. I don’t know of too many average users willing to accept this as better.

Microsoft makes available updates for in the regular basis to patch any security hole and to improve the functionality of the operating system. However, even now that updates are mandatory to keep devices always up to date, sometimes updates may not appear for download on your computer for a long time.Although Windows Update is the preferred method to get updates, Microsoft also allows users to manually download new patches as they become available through the 'Microsoft Update Catalog' website. While mainly a resource for IT administrators who need to test updates before pushing them to devices in their network, you can use the Update Catalog to quickly download a new update if it's not showing for you in Windows Update as an alternative option. In this, we'll walk you through the steps to find, download, and install updates manually on your device. How to download cumulative updatesIt's important to note that the Microsoft Update Catalog doesn't list anything, instead it's a search page, where you must know exactly the update you want to download.The easiest way to find an update is knowing its Knowledge Base reference number.

For example, on October 11th, Microsoft released Windows 10 build 14393.321, which Knowledge Base reference was KB3194798. You can find the references when we publish a new article about a new update, or when you visit the. Then do the following:.Visit the website.Quick Tip: If you can't access the site using Microsoft Edge, you can also try opening a new InPrivate window, which should let you get through.Do a search for the update using the KB number for the update you want. For example, KB3194798.Click the Download button for the 64-bit or 32-bit version of the update.